The 2022 MVA Rally is being hosted by the Morris Minor Owners Club over their National Rally weekend from 24 – 26 June at Kelmarsh Hall, Northamptonshire, NN6 9LY. The main static Rally will be held on the Sunday but MVA clubs are welcome to attend for the full weekend, taking in all the opportunities offered by the MMOC. The Wolseley Register always has a club stand at the MVA Rally and we hope a good number of Wolseleys will join us.
Camping opens on Friday 24 at 12-midday. Showers and toilets will be available over the weekend.
Application forms can be downloaded here or requested from Graham Ryder Entry fees are £13 per car for the whole weekend or any part thereof. Camping/caravan space is available at £7 per unit per night.
Weekend Timetable for the 2022 MVA Rally:
Friday 24 June pm: marquee and beer tent open, music from Country Chix and catering facilities on site.
Saturday and Sunday 25/26 June:
- Trade stalls
- Car boot sales (Saturday only)
- Road Run (Saturday)
- Ice cream van
- Kelmarsh Hall and tearooms open Sunday with special entry rates for rally entrants
- Catering
- Iconic London Routemaster bus serving drinks
- Landtrain running all weekend
- Wild West re-enactment
- Ridgeway Falcons
- Ridgeway Terrier Racing
- A clown from Rapide Entertainment
- Punch & Judy show
- High quality toilets