Wolseley Times - January 2025 Special Edition
I must apologise for the late arrival of this month’s newsletter, it is now February, but I wanted to thank all those who helped to give Chris the wonderful Wolseley send off he deserved as well as a report on the January Noggin and Natter.
January Noggin and Natter
As you no doubt gathered by my three attempts at an email that I wasn’t quite working on all cylinders but with Paul Scotten’s help the January Noggin and Natter was held at The Bell in Murrow. Eleven wise men and women of the East gathered in the snug bar. Three of them, Barry, Dan and Guy, had travelled from afar (I detect a festive theme here). Anyway, Paul and Roger Salter volunteered to have a look at Chris’s cars and make sure they were in working order to attend the funeral. Andy Brown offered to drive the 25hp and Roger the 15/60. The rest of the assembled group volunteered Kevin Benbow, in his absence, for all the other jobs.
Chris’s Funeral
The rain held off for most of the funeral. I did feel sorry for the old cars having to escort Chris at walking speed through the village to the Church but they did look good standing alongside the funeral cars. Roger, Kevin and Graham Ryder had had to work on “Wills” in the morning as she/he was proving temperamental so thank you boys and thank you Roger and Kevin who drove the vehicles because poor Andy was laid-up with Flu. Thank you to all from Wolseley and the Noggin & Natter Group who attended.
The Motoring Years
I’m sure you would have read the wonderful article in the Wolseley World about Chris’s motoring years written by Paul Scotten and Clive Button. I think Chris would have been impressed too especially taking up three pages.
February Noggin and Natter
Our next regular meeting will be at The Bell in Murrow (PE13 4HB) at 8.00ish on Wednesday 12th February. I hope you can make it along.
Devon & Cornwall Region: Wheal Martyn pre Christmas gathering
The last outing of the year was to Wheal Martyn china clay museum pre Christmas gathering where over 50 cars were present on the Sunday before Christmas. Two Wolseleys were present Chris Moore’s 10/40 and John Cooper’s 1500.
Wheal Martyn is now making this a monthly event with a gathering on the last Sunday of every month. Hopefully we can get more Wolseleys from the South West to attend in the coming months.
East Anglia Region: Wolseley Times, Christmas 2024 Special Edition
Welcome again to the best-selling newsletter for Wolseley owners in East Anglia and delivered, despite strikes, staff shortages and last posting dates, to a computer near you. Well a Ho-Ho-Ho-ing welcome to you all and I hope you are thoroughly enjoying this Yule time of half-empty shelves and festive fights for parking spaces!! Last Wednesday night the East Anglian group enjoyed its Christmas “Noggin and Natter”, not at the usual venue of “The Chequers” but at John and Janice’s pub “The Bell” at Murrow. John and Janice stepped into the brink at the last moment when Louise let us know that, due to her mother’s condition, she would not be able to host our meeting. They managed to lay on a wonderful home-cooked meal served in a carvery style with a choice of 2 meats and lashings of “trimmings” so there was more than enough grub for everyone! The atmosphere was as friendly and the conversation interesting as ever and I really would recommend you make a New Year’s Resolution to come along to at least a couple of our meetings in 2025…..you won’t regret it.
Paul’s skills extend beyond the spreadsheet for the Wolseley Register’s accounts and into the kitchen and he produced the Christmas Cake (including a huge amount of brandy) which Terry iced and we enjoyed. We have long believed that the 2 Wolseleys on the top were Paul and Jackie’s erstwhile 4/44 & 15/50 but a bright-eyed natterer noticed that they had split windscreens making them a pair of 6/80s. Curses!
For the last 10 years or so. Since we visited Chain Forge in Spalding and stated its manufacture, the Wolseley “Flying W” has been given a new home at our Christmas meal and, after a bit of thought, Terry decided that this year it should be presented to BOTH Kevin and Bridget for their continued support of our little group (when they’re not on holiday!). They must have clocked up quire a few miles driving over from Peterborough nearly every month.
Well that’s 2024. I think the outlook for 2025 looks very sunny (a bit hard to type those words as we are nearly at the shortest day) and I’m sure, with your help, we will have some great Wolseleying to enjoy.
Have a lovely safe Christmas and New Year but, above all else……
Drive Wisely–Drive Wolseley and Merry Christmas!
East Anglia region: Wolseley Times, October edition
The East Anglian Group managed to fit in a late outing in October and, amazingly, the sun shone on us! We all met up at “The Chequers” where Louise provided some excellent bacon baps and coffee. After scoffing this lot down we moved off on a road run that Terry and I had put together and, after about 60 miles of Fenland roads, we ended up at back at “The Chequers”! En route we braved the dreaded Kings Lynn one way system, enjoyed the lovely village of Castle Rising and stopped at the royal station at Wolferton. This now-closed station is the nearest to Sandringham and has seen the coming and going of many royal personages and heads of state. My camera “died” so I am indebted to Kevin, Bridget and Terry for sending over these photos.
Back at the pub; we all thoroughly enjoyed a roast Sunday Lunch which was so good it got me thinking about our Christmas extravaganza. I had a word with Louise and she is offering a choice of starters and a Christmas roast for £30 and Paul is willing to bake a Christmas cake. I think, to make it worthwhile we need 10-12 party-goers so, if you would be interested in coming along on Wednesday 11th December, please let me know by email or phone and I will set the ball rolling.
`The days are drawing in, the cars are heading to their garages and the winter jobs and projects are about to start….it never stops does it?
Scottish Region: Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway - 11-13th October
Scottish Region: Donald Malcolm Heritage Centre 21st September 2024
On Saturday 21st September, 3 members joined our friends of the Gartcosh Classic and Sports Car Club in a visit to the Donald Malcolm Heritage Centre at Linwood. Only one of us took their Wolseley - pictured here at our meeting spot in North Lanarkshire before we convoyed across. Founded by Donald Malcolm in 1921 with a horse and cart delivering coal, WH Malcolm Ltd is now the biggest privately owned logistics company in the country, with 15 logistics depots, 2 construction quarries and 3 rail terminals to their name. We were made very welcome with teas, coffees and rolls and allowed to freely wander around the exhibits which includes preserved lorries from the 1950s to the present day.
South East Region: Beaulieu International Autojumble 14th - 15th September 2024
The Wolseley Register club stand was presented in the regular double pitch in the Red Field. The event was well-supported by traders and bargain-hunters with around 23,500 people being recorded as attending the show.
Stalls were spread across the Red and Green fields with the Trunk Traders occupying the Yellow field on Sunday morning.
Amongst the vehicles in the Bonham's Auction was a very rare 1907 Wolseley-Siddeley 4-Cylinder 30HP Type B which is believed to be one of only 2 examples surviving. The car was not sold on the day.
The Wolseley Register stand welcomed many visitors over the weekend including new and long-standing club members. Several membership matters were dealt with including the presentation of a 40-year Membership Award. Overseas visitors were welcomed from as far away as New Zealand as well as Register members from across the UK and Europe, including Ireland, Jersey, Sweden and Germany, making the event once again a truly international occasion.
The team manning the club stand answered general or technical queries and purchases were made from across the full range of club merchandise.
Thanks to all who supported the Wolseley Register across the weekend by visiting or helping on the stand.
Read the Beaulieu report at https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/news/international-autojumble/
North West Region: Lytham Hall Car Show, 14th September 2024
The Wolseley Register had a stand at a new show organised by the management team at Lytham Hall. 7 Wolseleys & an MGB GT were on the stand. This was a very successful new show which should be even better next year and is likely to become a regular event for the North West region - even the weather was on our side!
Midlands Region: 60th Anniversary Event 7th & 8th September 2024
Members from as far as Hampshire assembled at Ludlow, Shropshire for the Midlands celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Wolseley Register. Those from further afield arrived on Thursday or Friday while other more local members drove to Ludlow on the Saturday morning. The celebrations started with seven Wolseleys, a Morris Minor and an MG YB parking in Ludlow town centre in front of Ludlow College. The display attracted many local residents and visitors to Ludlow who chatted to the owners of the cars.
The seven Wolseleys displayed were a 1934 Hornet Special, 1936 12/48, a 1500 Mk I and a 15/50 from 1958, a 1963 1500 Mk III, a 1968 16/60 and a 1971 18/85.
After visiting the market and/or Ludlow Castle, members were met by Shropshire Councillor Viv Parry who came to flag the group off at noon. The 30-mile route went via Much Wenlock to Bridgnorth where free parking had been arranged within walking distance of the Low Town station of the funicular railway.
At the top of the railway the group dispersed to explore High Town, visiting cafes and/or the castle grounds which afford views across to the Severn Valley Railway. The 20 mile return route was undertaken individually and the party reassembled at The Squirrel in Ludlow for an evening meal. By this time the weather had turned foul and the Hornet Special remained tucked up under its cover while the owner returned to his B&B, walking back next morning to retrieve it.
On Sunday morning the group reassembled at Ludlow Brewery for coffee. Another local Register Member arrived in his Morris Traveller (his Wolseley currently being off the road). The party drove 8 miles to Stokesay Castle where several of the group enjoyed exploring the English Heritage site, despite the worsening weather, finishing with welcome soup in the café before going their separate ways.
A successful weekend finale to the Regional events to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Wolseley Register.
East Anglia Region: Sleaford Show 7th September 2024
Noggin & Natter
Due to holidays, families and yet more health issues we were left with just 6 members at our recent N & N which was a bit of a shame. Those that were there did decide that there might be a place for one last outing this year and the suggested date was Sunday 13th October.
Earls Barton Transport Show: 24th - 26th August 2024
The Register had attended this event in previous years but the 60th Anniversary drew the largest attendance for the club stand to date. A wide range of Wolseleys plus the club Editor’s 1957 sage green Morris 1000 filled the stand space. Wolseley models from 1954 to 1974 included an 18/85 Mk II, 3 1500s, 2 15/50s, a 4/44, a Six and a Hornet Mk II.
After a sunny Friday setting up, Saturday was rather a wash-out with just 3 1500s displayed. Two other Wolseleys were in the camping field but didn’t get over to the club stand before vehicle movement was halted for the day.
The weather improved for Sunday and Monday and a total of 8 Wolseleys graced the stand each day, with the addition of a Morris 1000 on Sunday. Other Register members visited the stand and several queries from the general public were dealt with.
Thanks to all who supported or visited the club stand over the Bank Holiday weekend.
Biggar Vintage Rally
Scottish Group: 60th Anniversary Event at the Scottish Transport Extravaganza, 13th & 14th July 2024.
Alongside the vehicle displays there were traditional pipe bands, parades, amusements and a craft village. Gin bars nestled beside Auto jumble stalls, food outlets, bric-a-brac, and the obligatory whisky tasting. Steam rollers and traction engines added a touch of atmosphere rolling back the years with the scents and sounds of bygone times.
The Wolseley Register stand had 5 cars present on the Saturday, but the main day of the show was Sunday. On Sunday the stand was full with 20 Wolseleys on display. There were 6 Mk1 1500s on the stand and a MkIII, along with a 15/50, 2 Farina 6/110s, a 1971 1300, 3 Farina 16/60s, a 4/44, and a 6/80.
The oldest Wolseley exhibiting was a 1935 New Hornet 35-36, and the most recent a 2200 Wedge. And there was also a Series III 25HP Drophead Coupe from 1939 accompanied by its own mechanic!
A visitor to the stand remarked that they had never seen so many Wolseleys in one place!
East Anglia Region: 60th Anniversary Weekend, 6th & 7th July 2024
The East Anglia Region organised a weekend event which included visits to two fascinating venues.
On Saturday the group met at “The Grange” collection of mechanical music at Diss for a guided tour by the owner who demonstrated a variety of organs spanning 4 centuries.
In the main hall, larger mechanical organs were playing and entertainment was provided by an organist on a Wurlitzer theatre organ, culminating in his musical accompaniment to a well-known silent movie.
In the evening a party of 13 enjoyed Dinner at The Bird in Hand hotel at Wreningham which also offered excellent accommodation.
The owner of the museum demonstrated several steam engines which he has collected over the previous 55 years and a steam-driven factory line was brought to life. All the exhibits showed the amazing Victorian technological achievements powered by steam which while quiet produced a very warm and humid atmosphere.
Thanks to the local organisers and to all who took part in this successful celebration weekend.
South & West Wales Region: 60th Anniversary Weekend
The cars included examples of Mk1, Mk2 and Mk3 1500’s, 4/44, 16/60, 1100, 14/60, a Lanchester LD10 and a very rare Honda Insight.
On Saturday, we visited the Royal Mint at Llantrisant in the morning, where, because it was not a working day, our tour included a fascinating walk through the actual machine shops.
n the afternoon, we drove to St Fagans, an open air museum where local historic buildings have been rebuilt around the original St Fagans castle.
Sunday saw us driving over to Barry Island to join the annual historic bus extravaganza, where we could take historic bus tours around the town and to the old bus station, which is now the bus museum. A large classic car show being held alongside the bus park provided another great attraction.
Another wonderful weekend in South Wales, and many thanks to Ernest and Janet, and local member John, for organising it all.
East Anglia Region: The Wolseley Times, June 2024 Edition:
Last weekend, a number of us took our cars to the village show at Marham and enjoyed "a grand day out" in the Norfolk countryside.
Andy & Karen brought their 6/110, Paul & Jackie brought 'his and hers' 4/44 and 15/50, Terry & I brought our 15/50 and new member, Peter, brought his 4/44. They made a good display of Palmer and Farina designed post-war Wolseleys.
Next month (July) we are off on our ‘Awayday’ weekend to the South of Norwich. On the 6th and 7th we will be exploring the area East of Wymondham and visiting a mechanical music museum and a steam museum. There is still time to join in visiting either museum with us or coming along on the road run but you will have to let me know in the next week or so either by email or by giving me a ring on 01945 587004. Entrance to the museums will be FREE as the charges are being picked up by the Register.
North East Region: 60th Anniversary Weekend Celebration
The first of two North East England activities for the 60th Anniversary took place over the weekend of 25th and 26th May 2024. The event was based around the Forest and Vale Hotel, Pickering where nine members enjoyed an evening meal together on the Saturday, and three excursions.
The first was a visit to a fantastic workshop and private collection of vehicles owned by some local members. Our hosts welcomed around 15 members and family with fascinating stories of their family background with cars, light commercials and aeroplanes and also supplied delicious home-made cakes and meringues!
Next was a road run to the Scarborough Fair Collection museum, for an afternoon of admiring the extensive collection of fairground organs, fairground rides and motorbikes, cars, lorries and buses, as well as playing on the many traditional arcade games.
Unfortunately the weather turned against us on the Sunday, prompting us to re-christen the Thornton-le-Dale sports association rally, "Bangers and Splash" - it was very wet! We had a stand of nine cars, including a Riley and a Honda as well as two pre-war and five post-war Wolseleys. We were delighted that one of our members took the 'Best Car on a Club Stand' award for their 1500.
South East 60th Anniversary Event: Beaulieu Spring Autojumble
The South East Group event was held at the Beaulieu Spring Autojumble on 18th & 19th May 2024. Several Members brought a selection of Wolseleys and other marques including Morris Minors to display alongside the Dorset Morris Minor club's annual "Moggyfest" event which spanned both days.
Many Wolseley Register Members visited the club display over the weekend to seek technical advice, purchase club merchandise or to meet the South East Representative and other club members.
North West Region: 60th Anniversary Event at Gawsworth Hall
The North West region celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the Wolseley Register at Gawsworth Hall, Cheshire on 6th May. The day was a great success - despite the various forecasts, the weather was kind to us!. The ‘icing on the cake’ was winning the award for the Best Club Stand of the Show especially during the 60th anniversary year.
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The show was well attended with 14 cars joining the Wolseley Register stand - 15 cars set out to attend but we did have one breakdown on the day! Some of our members took the opportunity to take a tour of the hall - well worth doing as it is a beautiful family home.
Some more photographs of our award-winning club stand:
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Scottish Group: Stirling & District Classic Car Show, Bridge of Allan
The sun shone on the Stirling and District Classic Car Show at Bridge of Allan on Sunday May 12th. Here are some of the Wolseleys present; two Farina cars belonging to members, a 16/60 and a 6/99. A line up of a 4/44 and 3 1500s with the Wallace Monument visible in the background and an 18/85S landcrab that we had not seen before.
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East Anglia Region: The Wolseley Times, Drive it Day 2024:
For this year’s Drive-it-Day Kevin and Bridget put together a road run that treated us to a trip through some of the lovely villages South West of Peterborough. Although not living that far away, I was totally unaware that these beautiful Northamptonshire Ironstone and thatch villages existed almost on our doorstep and I found the whole journey an absolute delight.
For Terry and me the day didn’t get off to a perfect start. Despite running perfectly of Thursday the 15/60 decided that its ignition light was not going to go out. A quick check and there was a broken fan belt lying on top of the head. We set off in our “modern” but a quick change of heart and a flurry of activity with the spanners and we were able get the Wolseley to the first port of call just as everyone else was about to move off. We tagged on the end following the procession and Kev and Bridget’s excellent route guide to our second destination at New Lodge Farm. where our cars were parked among the entrants of the Stilton Cheese Rally. It was great to look over such a wide range of classic cars but the field seemed exceptionally cold so things were better viewed from inside the cafe.
We moved off for a fairly short run to our final destination of the Montagu Arms were we all enjoyed a tasty Sunday Lunch in this charming olde-worlde pub.
So that is Drive-it-Day done and dusted for another year. Next month we are displaying some of our cars at the Tydd Saint Mary car show on Sunday 12th May at Rectory Lane Playing Field.
If you want to join us either drop me a line or give me a ring. With the nights getting shorter and the days warmer (and dryer?) why not bring your classic car along to our next meeting at “The Chequers Inn” Tholomas Drove (PE13 4SL) on Wednesday 18h May and park it on the village green? We kick off about 8 o’clock.
Scottish Group Drive it Day at Summerlee 2024:
Unfortunately Drive It Day was a wet one in West Central Scotland, after the first couple of dry days in months. A few register members took cars to the gathering at the Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life at Coatbridge, Lanarkshire. Here is a line-up of 7 of the 9 Wolseleys that were present; a 4/44, two 6/99s, an 18/85 and three 1500s. The other two Wolseleys were a 16/60 and a Hornet Special.
East Anglia Region: The Wolseley Times, April 2024 Edition:
Welcome to the best-selling newsletter for Wolseley owners in East Anglia and delivered to a computer near you. I have to apologise for the lack of a newsletter last month. For the last few weeks, after surgery at Norwich and Norfolk Hospital, I have been lying around generally feeling sorry for myself and not having any interest in anything much including Wolseleys. However I am slowly recovering and my interest in my hobbies is returning.
Our Drive-it-Day outing this year is now almost upon us and this Sunday (the 21st) we will be meeting at the “Bosworth Garden Centre” near Elton (PE8 6SH) as they open at 10 o’clock for a cup of coffee. Kev and Bridget have sorted out a route that will take us to the “New Lodge Farm” where we can watch cars on the “Stilton Cheese” rally pass through before we move on to our final destination of the “Montagu Arms at Barnwell for a well-earned Sunday Lunch. The booking for lunch at the pub has now been made but if you would like to join us for some or all of the route you would be made most welcome. If I get the time I will bung together a report of the day when I get home.
Our May Outing is on Sunday 12th and we are off to the Tydd Saint Mary’s Classic Vehicle Rally. There are no forms or entry fees for this rally and you just turn up at The Playing Fields, Rectory Road PE13 5QY. This is an event I’ve been meaning to get to for quite a while and we can sort out who wants to come along to this event at our next Noggin and Natter.
We now need to scope around for a June Outing. This can be a show or a road run so, if you have any ideas as to what we can get up to in June, please do not hesitate to let me know by email or phone (01945 587004)
There is one final event for you to think about while you have your diaries to hand. Terry is organising another Quiz in the Church on Thursday 25th April. Tickets are £5 per person and it is eyes down at 7.30pm. Please contact me if you would like to join in.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 8th May at 8 o’clock at “The Chequers Inn” Tholomas Drove (PE13 4SL)
The warmer days will soon be with us (honestly they will!) and before you know it we'll be tootling down the highways of England at a sedate and steady speed much to the annoyance of other motorists!
Scottish Group Friendship Presentation - 17th April 2024:
Earlier this month the Friendship Shield was presented to long serving member and former Secretary, Mike Schilling. Here he is with our joint Life President, John McCombie and vice-Chairman Dick Peters' lovely 6/110 in Aberdour
East Anglia Region: The Wolseley Times, February 2024 Edition.
Welcome to the best-selling newsletter mainly, but not exclusively, for Wolseley owners in East Anglia and delivered to a computer near you! The meetings at “The Chequers” seem to be holding up very well and we had an excellent group assembled at the pub with more chairs and tables being needed! If you haven’t tried a meeting at “The Chequers” for size you really ought to give it a go.
Drrive-it-Day 2024
D-i-D we make a decision..yes we D-i-D!!
This year this FBHVC sponsored event is on Sunday 21st April. As I am a little ‘hors de combat’ at the moment I needed someone to take this event on and Kevin and Bridget kindly volunteered. They are in the process of putting together an outing starting at Bosworth’s Garden Centre near Elton, travelling to New Lodge Farm at Bulwick before retiring to the King’s Arms at Polebrook for a well-earned Sunday Lunch. This sounds like an excellent day out so please let me know if you would like to join in for all or part of. (Classic Car preferred but not essential).
Grand Announcement
Do you know what our group was doing back in August 2013? Like me probably not but in fact we were hosting “The World Tour of East Anglia” and now, 11 years on, to help celebrate theRegister’s 60th birthday we are putting together “The World Tour of East Anglia version 2.0” over the weekend of July 6th and 7th. It is our intention to visit “The Grange” collection of mechanical music on the Saturday afternoon with a road run and a visit to the Forncett steam museum on the Sunday.
At the Noggin and Natter 10 drivers expressed an interest involving up to 7 cars and I have also received another 2 requests for 3 drivers wishing to come along so it looks like a busy old weekend. If you would like to join in on either or both days, please contact me. Further details including timings and postcodes will be sent out to everyone who has expressed an interest as soon a Paul and I have sorted them out.
Next Meeting
So another month in Wolseley Land draws to a close. We are back at “The Chequers” again on Wednesday 13th March so why not come along and join us. The good weather is just over the horizon and I’m sure it won’t be long before the buckets and sponges are out again and our cars will be back on the roads of England.
Until then…………
Drive Wisely–Drive Wolseley