It is with regret that we have to make all users of these Classifieds aware that scammers operate on this page, as they do on all websites with open adverts. They both post bogus ‘For Sale’ adverts and reply to ‘Wanted’ and ‘For Sale’ adverts.
The ‘For Sale’ adverts posted on the website are usually for complete cars. When considering buying a car, NEVER make any payment until you are absolutely sure that the sale is genuine and after you have seen the car together with its documentation. (The website team does filter out many of these scams before they are posted, but please remain vigilant as we are unable to guarantee that we catch every one).
Replies to ‘Wanted’ adverts are usually via e-mails, but mobile phones are also used, (as both of these are virtually untraceable). You therefore need to make every effort to ensure that the seller actually has the item you want. Request pictures of the item, ask detailed questions about the item, try to catch the seller out! (Ask the webmaster if you would like some ideas on how to do this….).
Replies to ‘For Sale’ adverts (for parts or complete cars) are usually via emails and are generic, ie. they often do not specifically state your name or the item they are supposedly interested in. The wording is generic so that it can be used to reply to multiple advertisers at the same time. If you do reply to these scams, you will find that the respondent attempts to stress that they really want to pay, and that he needs various personal details in order to ensure safe payment. BEWARE – this scam is quite likely to be an attempt at Identity Theft!
We have also seen evidence of potential money laundering scams. This is where a buyer (often pretending to be from abroad), agrees to buy an item and will arrange their own carrier. A hugely increased amount is then sent, stating this this will cover the carrier’s expenses, and that he will collect the difference from you when he collects the items for shipment. PLEASE DO NOT ACCEPT THE PAYMENT, AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE POLICE!
If you receive a suspect email, please refer this to the Wolseley Register Webmaster, who will try to help confirm whether it is a scam.