All the Series II and III models used a similar drag link set up, which connects the steering box to the offside front stub axle. The draglink has a ball at each end which enables the steering to pivot and move as required. The balls are held in adjustable cups, and if kept well greased, should last a long time.
However, given the age of the parts (80 plus years!), these balls are now starting to wear beyond their adjustable limits, some already with excessive wear possibly due to lack of maintenance through periods of their use. Once the balls become loose, excessive play in the steering may render the car unsafe to use.

Only 3 different sized balls were used across the whole Series II and III range including the Supersixes, but excepting the Eight and Ten models. As far as I have been able to ascertain, these balls are not currently produced anywhere, and “New Old Stock” is now extremely hard to find. However, if anyone knows of a source, please let me know as soon as possible!
We are therefore looking into getting a small batch made of each ball size, but I first need to understand the potential demand for them. The current thoughts are that, depending on numbers required, the balls might cost somewhere near £30 each. However, this will be confirmed prior to any orders being taken. I suspect that if we were to go ahead with a production run, it will unlikely be repeated, as it isn’t simply a case of being able to re-use a mould.
If you think that your Series model might benefit from new drag link balls either now or in the near future, please would you let me know as soon as possible by email at
Thank you
Bob Langston (Spares Consultant)