Can we buy the next round?
Why drive for miles to a Wolseley meeting when you could have one on your doorstep? There’s no need for a committee, an agenda or anything like that-even owning a Wolseley isn’t essential! All you need to do is to sort out date, time and a venue. Let me know and I’ll send the details of your proposed meeting by post and e-mail to members in your area including an offer of FREE sandwiches, teas (or something stronger) for everyone who turns up at the first meeting. All you have to do is sit back and accept the plaudits-what could possibly go wrong? I’m also willing to publish your first newsletter if you want and to help out once the meeting is up and running.
Please contact Chris Arnold on or 01945 587004
For many years, in the UK, the Wolseley Register has been divided into ‘regions’ – Scotland, North East, North West, Midlands etc. Each Member is allocated a region on joining the Register. Some of our regional groups are very active with a good programme of meetings and events. However, all the regions are geographically large and this means that some Members find themselves a long way from ‘the action’ and, understandably, are reluctant to drive long distances for regular meetings. We have decided to address this by encouraging Members to get together in small, informal groups close to where they live and all it needs is two or three people to form the nucleus of a new group. The emphasis is strongly on informality, with no officers or committee structure, just a group of like-minded Wolseley enthusiasts who meet for a ‘noggin and natter’, a meal or local runs in their cars. We only ask that one person in each group acts as a point of contact with the national ‘centre’ so that we can ensure two-way communication, helping to publicise your meetings and reporting to the wider membership on what you have done.
If you would like to form a group in your area, please get in touch with Chris Arnold who, as Group Liaison Officer, will help with advice and even some money! Chris will be able to help you contact other Members who live nearby and invite them to your meeting. He will also arrange to publicise your new group via Wolseley World and our website.
Existing regional groups will be unaffected and continue as now; our hope is that they can be augmented by many new local groups involving more people thus improving further the social side of membership .